How to play your first tabletop roleplaying game
As the host of a local RPG Night, I get to see RPGs through the eyes of players experiencing the hobby for the first time. Some players ask for guidance or context concerning this brave new world. "What should I know? What should I do?" Here is the singular advice I have to give. Play more games. Most of the worries I see people have about playing an RPG, and which they try to address by absorbing guides, disappear like snowflakes in the sun after just playing the game. It's something you just need to experience. See a game you like? Read it, invite friends or join a group, play more games. Be like Bob Ross; "We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents." Don't try to 'get it right'; try to have fun. Roleplaying games are an open system; if something makes sense for you to do within the story, it doesn't matter if the game has rules for it or not. Embrace the fact that you'll consantly be in situations like these where there is no ...